Please introduce your brand and team . What are your area in the industry ? Media ? Product? Shop or ...?
Hello, I’m Pong from Channel Weed Thailand, We have 5 team members within 5 duties including Producer, Reporter, Creative, Camera and Graphic design, CWT had known as cannabis media formed by a group of cannabis enthusiast, created various types of content such as video production, news report, reviewing items, educational info, Interviewing and supporting Cannabis industry and exploring fashion and lifestyle, mainly focus on Cannabis Industry.
你好,我是來自Channel Weed Thailand的Pong。我們有五個成員,分別處理五個方面的任務:製片人、報道、創意、攝像、視覺的設計。CWT是大麻愛好者、活動家成立的大麻媒體。創作各種內容,包括了視頻、新聞、教育、採訪和支持大麻產業以及探索420時尚和生活方式。

When you start to do this , and why ? What's the first thought to do it ? What come to your mind and make you want to involve in 420 business ?
CWT has been served cannabis industry for a decade (over 10 years ago), Me and co-founder decided to begin it with aim to be small cannabis community for Thai stoners on Facebook, However cannabis has been rooted with Thai people over a century (over 100 years ago) for both medical and recreational purpose, which made “bong” become the global slang for cannabis smoking stuff. SO Channel Weed Thailand should be like media channel that got variety of cannabis content such as news, article, vlog, documentary, interview and short video. The name was inspired from music channel namely Channel V (Thailand) I’m sure you watched this channel once。
CWT已經在大麻行業服務了十二年了,我和我的夥伴一起創立了CWT,一開始是想要為泰國的stoner在facebook上成立一個小的社群。無論是醫療還是休閒使用,大麻已經根植與泰國人的生活超過了一百年,甚至bong這個詞語都成為國際化的表達方式來描述抽大麻用具。所以Channel Weed Thailand是一個多元的420媒體頻道,包括了新聞、文章、視頻、紀錄片、採訪。名字的來源是從音樂頻道Channel V (Thailand)來的。我相信每個人都至少看過一次這個音樂頻道。
Did you encount resistance when doing this ? How is the first money come from to start it? Did you have problems with the police before ?How did you deal with it ?Are your family being surport to you to do this ?
Same as almost student, Our family don’t want us to involve with this herb that they called drug, Sure yeah we have fight with our family and social stereotype as always, But that’s what advocate duty should be for cannabis, We have to change the way they seeing in cannabis and put positive knowledge for them to get through, BTW I believe that Thai stoner need a ‘safe space’ that they can read, talk and share their idea together without any social blame, Fortunately today Thailand have on-site community like cannabis café’ after legalization, So after achieve those things. I’m proud of it and my family too.
當然在做學生的時候,家人不願意自己做和被稱為”毒品“的東西。我們一如既往地和家人還有社會刻板印象做鬥爭,但這正是大麻運動者的義務:我們需要去改變他們看待大麻的方式。讓他們知道關於大麻正面的知識和信息。另外,我相信泰國的飛行員需要一個安全的地方,他們可以閱讀、了解、談論以及分享他們的觀點,不需要擔心來自社會的譴責。 幸運的是,在合法化之後,泰國有很多實體的大麻咖啡廳。所以,現在我和我的家人們都為此感到自豪。
How's the situation of the local 420 culture ? How's the vibe of underground scene ?
Marijuana rooted a deep history in Thailand, Thai Cannabis known as ancient medicine formula, Our ancestor treat it like home-grown herb from cooking to curing themselves, That why the world’s most reputation strain were born here in the name of “Thai Sativa” And now we got over 10 official cannabis traditional medicine listed as a national welfare medicine, which government hospitals may freely prescribe cannabis extract oil to patients in selected circumstances, However Thai Cannabis is national wisdom that meet the health needs of local majority, I see legalize marijuana as a positive progress to educate medical cannabis in a right direction to the people including scientific awareness or modern medicine technicality such as cannabis oil and cannabis extraction.
大麻在泰國有很深的歷史,在泰國大麻是古老可以入藥的配方。我們的祖先把大麻當做家庭作物,從製作和治療,都有他們自己完整的体系。這就是為什麼世界上最著名的植株是在泰國產生的,叫做泰國“Thai Sativa” 。而現在我們在傳統醫藥在國家醫療保障的藥品中有超過10种官方正式的大麻产品。政府醫院会在制定的情况下會免費的開具給病人大麻油。泰國大麻是民族的智慧,符合大部分本地人的健康需求。 我認為大麻合法化在醫療大麻是積極的舉措,是幫助人們正確的方向。这包括了科學的覺察以及現代醫藥技術,比如大麻油和大麻提取物。
How to collect the member of the team ? What are the stage of the team now? 一起做這件事情的夥伴是怎麼召集的,現在處於什麼階段?
I established it with my best stoner friend, Then we scaled it up by gathering more member from my friend who work for top media company in Thailand such as Leo Burnett and Grammy company along with use my journalist reputation from Reuters and Bangkokpost to expand our media connection, Now CWT is member of Thailand cannabis association getting involve with public cannabis movement, The whole industry known CWT as cannabis media which we can setting cannabis agenda for stoner audience as well as pressure the government, Recently we have collaboration with international partner like Wizman that could drive CWT forward to be the first international cannabis content that available for 3 language English, Chinese and Thai
我和我最好的飛行員朋友一起成了cwt,然後我們擴大規模,通過召集更多在优秀媒體工作的朋友,比如Leo Burnett 和 Grammy 。然後根据我在Reuters 和Bangkokpost的記者名譽來擴展我們的媒體關係。如今CWT是泰國的大麻聯合之一,逐漸參與到公眾大麻運動之中。 整個行業將cwt視為大麻媒體,將大麻議程提供給飛行員,以及給政府壓力。最近我們和國際的夥伴合作,wizman,可以讓cwt成為第一個國際大麻內容平台,提供給英語、中文和泰文用戶。

Did pubilc chanllenge you with the question voice ? What's that and how you deal with it ?
We don’t care those voice, Fortunately cannabis legalized in Thailand now, So the most challenge is persuade them to understand truly cannabis value.
What make you want to do it further ?
As the media has one important role : cannabis watch dog, CWT aims to inform, criticize and stimulate public debate along with educate cannabis knowledge and cannabis culture, so that the audience can make educated choices. So our partner Wizman had light our fire and will help us achieve our goal faster. 作為媒體有一個重要的角色,大麻看門狗,cwt面向通知、批評和刺激公眾辯論,以及教育大麻知識和大麻文化。所以觀眾可以有教育後的選擇。我們的合作夥伴wizman點燃了我們的火把,幫助我們更快的完成目標。
What's the pleasure to stick with it ? Have you ever doubt yourself and feel sad and surferring ? 堅持這件事情的快樂是什麼?是否遭遇過自我懷疑或痛苦?
We do what we love, We are what we are, We never doubt cannabis opportunity that can change our life, We believe it and we want to inform abundant of cannabis opportunity for Thai people
What's your short term and long term goal? Whats your ideals and version of the future ? 短期長期目標是什麼?理想和願望是什麼?
-The bilingual cannabis news website in Thailand
-Cannabis content agency
-Cannabis hub platform developer
-Gateway of Asia cannabis content
-Stoner community for both Thai and foreigner
-One of the most trusted Thai cannabis media
Can current business cover the financial needs of the team ? How is the team member's material needs?
Not yet, media business usually come up with high production cost depend on quality of content, For example production tool and gadget such as MacBook, Camera, Lens, Camera tool and media official program often start with high price ex. Yearly Photoshop license service cost around 25,000 baht/year, Shutterstock license cost over 10,000 baht/month for only 10 pics, professional video editing cost around 3,000 baht/minute and Macbook start at 50,000 Baht, So we have to inject more fund for improving our media quality, So my team member need more production tool.
還沒有,媒體業務通常會產生高昂的製作成本,這取決於內容的質量。例如 MacBook、相機、鏡頭、相機工具和媒體官方程序等製作工具和小工具通常以高價開始。 每年 Photoshop 許可服務費用約為 25,000 泰銖/年,Shutterstock 許可費用超過 10,000 泰銖/月,僅 10 張圖片;專業視頻編輯費用約為 3,000 泰銖/分鐘,Macbook 起價為 50,000 泰銖。因此我們必須注入更多資金來改善我們的媒體質量, 團隊成員需要更多的生產工具。

During the time involving and working in 420 field ,did you have transformation of your mind ? What's that ?
Never, Media role is understanding perspective of opinion and people, So we believe in life-long learning process, especially on cannabis is newly global issue with need more research to prove their health benefit, which mean the fresh fact will never ending, Lifelong learning allow you to focused on personal and social development as well as achieve personal fulfillment and satisfaction
How you hope the majority of people view or think of the weed and psycodelic drugs ?
Cannabis always be in controversy when it come to psycho effect. After cannabis legalization Thailand caught up in a heated debate for tougher rules to control THC, which many networks were concerned about the ease of access cannabis, So I hope majority would change their mind if government can earn those trust by speed up cannabis regulation process, BTW Thai government have push up to study magic mushroom medical and willing to legalize it in the near future, I think psycodelic things not that bad in Thailand authority’s eyes.

Do you think if there is problem in the industry of thailand now ?How you hope to fix it ?
It happen now, the lack of certainty around the laws are leaving pothead businesses in dilemma, While the new draft of Cannabis-Hemp Act ongoing by the parliament, cannabis entrepreneur still confusing from the public over what is allowed, Questioning upcoming law enforcement would wipe-out the small fish as well as the new tighten rules could also harm small local businesses who aiming to capitalise on cannabis Additionally the law and regulation dilemma leave cannabis start-up on thin ice as well as the 'Legalize Marijuana' policy would faces uncertainty as to whether it will succeed, So all I need is Thai authorities finish legislation that regulates its trade, making, buying and selling it, because at the moment cannabis business are rather confusing.
It seems like there are still many possibility of change in the policy of legality of cannabis in thatland. Cannabis bill is not officiall pass . The market is also not clear and and kind of chaos. How do you view this ? Do you still feel confident ? What problem you think will meet in the future ? What CAN you do to make a better future ?
Although Thailand cannabis is lack of certainty, But I think legalization policy in Thailand has no u-turn, because now cannabis is delisted from hard-drug criminal record and Public Health has expedite the draft law announcement on marijuana use, there’s no need to reclassify cannabis as a narcotic until a full cannabis bill can be ratified, as temporary laws already restrict. The real problem now is new cannabis-hemp bill that not gain the majority vote in parliament, SO this is truly politic issue, the longer they hold this is mean the longer you can experience extreme cannabis freedom in Thailand, That’s not a good idea for an entire cannabis industry for sure

How you view the asia brand and company in 420 business ?
“Fucking awesome” is not my answer, but it’s our customer feedback, Asia 420 is Wizman’s identity who superb at comic design and want to spreading Asia’s cannabis culture, The astonishing paper design can make customer and dispensary owner’s face full of surprise, Asia 420 is absolutely fantastic when you compare with the other rolling paper on the shelf, Such a unique masterpiece that no one can copy, Especially the detail on LEGAL the GREEN that made for celebrated Thailand’s legalization, They use amazing design detail to present Asian unique character. I believe that Wizman possibility can be leading influencer for Asia’s stoner, I can’t wait to promoting their excite product ahead. So proud of them!
“Fucking awesome” 不是我的答案,是顧客的反饋。Asia 420是在漫畫設計裡的佼佼者wizman牽頭的,想要傳播亞洲大麻文化。令人震驚的煙紙設計是讓顧客和藥方老闆都很喜歡。當你和其他的煙紙比較時,Asia 420顯得完全的厲害。這是特別的傑作,沒人可以複製。特別是細節在LEGAL the GREEN為了泰國合法化的設計。厲害的設計細節代表亞洲獨特的特點。我相信wizman可以做亞洲飛行員的領導。我等不及來推廣他們令人興奮的產品。為他們驕傲。
Why you think we(the brand in aisa ) should unite ?
Green race (stoner) should become one, We’re suffering the same cannabis stereotype from society, We share the same pain point and we encourage each other to fight with global negative view on cannabis, Together our voice should lounder, Together we join the fight that will give cannabis the right to be free! So beyond the barricade is there a world we long to see?
Let’s turn up the One love song, a stamp of approval that we can be part of the stoner movement if you choose to…. 飛行員應該成為一個綠色聯盟。我們同樣收到社會對大麻的刻板印象的痛苦。我們分享同樣的痛苦所以我們鼓勵彼此來對抗全球的對大麻的負面觀點。在一起我們的聲音可以更加響亮;在一起我們並肩作戰,讓大麻解放。所以儘管困難重重,我們還是可以努力構建一個大家都希望的愛於和平的世界。
